(Mature Size: 16"T x 36"W)
- Hosta 'Red October' has long narrow blue-green leaves in spring with white undersides.
- The leaves are more green by late spring and are held on red petioles.
- The red from the petioles bleeds into the midrib of the leaves.
- H. 'Red October' forms a dense mound of wavy green foliage.
- Lavender flowers on reddish purple scapes early fall.
Why Should I Grow It? The red petioles.
(R. Herold/AHS/K. Walek 2009)
Medium Hosta Cultivar
[H. longipes f. hypoglauca × H. 'Harvest Delight']
Color: Blue-Green
Size: 16 inches tall by 36 inches wide
Type: Medium Red Petiole Hosta
Product Size: 4.5 Inch Container